Fremantle Chiropractor Services
Our Services
Please allow 30 – 45 minutes for your first appointment.
We demystify chiropractic care so our community can experience how amazing it feels when your spine is working well.
The first step to achieving this is for us to listen to your health concerns, gathering all the information about what’s happening right now, along with your health journey to date.
Then we want to get our hands on you!
We want to feel your spine and take you through the objective tests that will tell us what your body is doing right now. Sometimes there is a need for scans or X-rays for further information. That’s something we will know once we have a closer look.
Here comes the important bit… we pride ourselves in being able to put together all of the information and come up with a plan to help to get you back on track, allowing you to reach your optimal health potential.
We also want to provide you with all the resources that you need to get the maximum results. We have a diverse network of health professionals to help us do just that. We want to be able to give you tools that look at the physical, emotional and nutritional sides of health.
We want to be able to check your progress regularly, our extensive objective tests allow us to do that. At regular intervals we will check in on your movement, muscle function, posture, oxygenation and rib expansion, balance and other key tests to make sure that you are healing and headed in the right direction.
See the list of common conditions we see below. If what you are experiencing is not on the list, do not worry – we have you covered!

Common Conditions we see
Common Conditions
we see
At Fremantle Chiropractic, we see people with a vast range of conditions from neck pain, back pain, and headaches to general loss of health and wellbeing.
See the list of common conditions we see below. If what you are experiencing is not on the list, do not worry - we have you covered!
Ready to take the steps towards a better you?
Our dedicated team at Fremantle Chiropractic provides quality chiropractic care in a safe and family friendly environment. The below steps are what you can expect in our Fremantle practice.
We hear from you
We perform an examination
We provide a personalised care to your individual needs
We curate a care plan

Here we listen to your health concerns, gathering all the information about what’s happening right now, along with your health journey to date.

Then we want to get our hands on you! We want to feel your spine and take you through the objective tests that will tell us what your body is doing right now.

Get Started
We pride ourselves in being able to put together all of the information and come up with a care plan to help to get you back on track, allowing you to reach your optimal health potential.

As we want to be able to check your progress regularly, our extensive objective tests allow us to do that. At regular intervals we will perform key tests to make sure that you are healing and headed in the right direction.
Quick Booking Form
To make a booking, please call the practice on 9336 4577, or fill in your details below and our lovely admin team will be in touch.
We can’t wait to meet you!
Start living your life,
your way.
Not feeling as tip top as you used to and you’re ready to make some changes in your lift? You’ve come to the right place.